How to get eyes on your blog content

You’re creating and publishing consistent, engaging and educating blog content for your brand or business. The articles are short, concise, shareable on social media.

But is anyone looking?

contentmktg_artThere are 2 million blog posts published daily, according to Digital Buzz Blog. That’s 2 million efforts for a writer to get noticed. For a marketing pro, the post he or she publishes becomes a needle in an enormous haystack.

As a content creator or marketing pro charged with the numerous daily posts about your product, business or brand, a blog marketing strategy helps.

Here are some suggestions, courtesy of the Content Marketing Institute, to get potential customers talking about those few hundred words for the Web.

  • Set a clearly defined goal for the blog post.
  • Do your research for find the ideal audience for your blog content.
  • Come up with a unique selling position, the reason why a person should purchase your product or follow your brand.  the reason why a person should buy your product or service, rather than that of your competitors
  • Be effective in the distribution of  your blog post.

Your blog is a key component of your content marketing strategy. It should be seen by more than a few people. Follow these tips, and get the word out.