This Just In: Mobile Will Top Newspapers in 2015

If you work within the newspaper industry, or the mobile industry, you know that the rise in mobile, including smartphones and tablets, has disrupted traditional advertising. Most notably in print and TV. 

According to today’s Medialife Magazine article, the latest ad spending forecast from the London agency ZenithOptimedia, predicts that “for the very first time spending on mobile advertising will outpace spending on newspapers in the United States.” 

This is significant because it quantifies the shift from traditional mediums to mobile, which is reflective of today’s user-behavior. Many of us DVR our television shows and fast-forward through commercials, and many of us do not get our news in a newspaper, but rather through apps and social media that we access through our smartphones and tablets.

According to the Medialife article, mobile will attract $30.5 billion in spending during 2015. This includes a combination of a variety of digital advertising, including social media, display advertising, search and other subcategories. According to ZenithOptimedia, this up 54 percent from 2014.

This is not a surprising change however, and has been an ongoing trend.

In fact, the idea for MyMobileLyfe was hatched because of this shift in how people naturally consumed media and advertising. Our three co-founders worked at an integrated newspaper and TV newsroom and saw users begin to move away from traditional media, decreasing the value of traditional ads. We created MyMobileLyfe as a way to connect companies to today’s mobile consumers in the way that they are engaging with content. Today’s lifestyle is mobile. Users are always connected to smartphones, tablets and wearable technology, and we create marketing and advertising content in a way that is meaningful and results-driven for companies and advertisers trying to reach today’s mobile customer.

Interested in hiring MyMobileLyfe to connect you to mobile consumers? Contact us here: or email us at