Delegate the content tasks for solid results

The ability to create, distribute and promote online marketing content is essential for any business, and crucial for a small business. But it can be a challenge for any company with a total payroll that’s smaller than the content marketing staffs at major corporations.

Let’s say that, as a small business owner, you have about 10 or so employees tasked with generating leads and drawing in new customers for your product or service. They are dedicated to these duties, and creating and producing engaging and accessible content, particularly for a mobile device, is not the most productive use of time for such a small staff.

The statistics say otherwise.

Marketing pros working for small businesses are the most likely to have a documented content marketing strategy, according to a study by the Content Marketing Institute. Across B2B organizations of all sizes, 48 percent of small business marketers have a strategy, compared to 41 percent of enterprise marketers. The Content Marketing Institute study also says 78 percent of small businesses have someone in place to oversee that strategy, compared with 58 percent of enterprise companies.

Content creation and publication, however, may still appear a luxury for small businesses tightly focused on the bottom line. Hiring someone in house to generate, produce and distribute the stories, videos, research and other articles and content means someone is not devoting themselves to generating business.

That means delegating the responsibility to someone who can get you the best results.

Delegating the content creation authority to a third-party provider puts the responsibility in their hands. You are free to maintain your business, and the provider has the duty to increase it. As the business owner, you will have to be clear and concise about the assignment and the expected outcome, monitor the progress and correct when necessary.

You will want to provide ample resources for the third-party creator to effectively do the content project. And, it helps to have an experienced editor to check the accuracy of the content.

Most importantly, delegating the responsibility to someone experienced in the content creation field frees you, the business owner, and your staff to build upon the business that is the focus of this content.


We are MyMobileLyfe and we can help your company develop a content marketing strategy to reach people on the go. Click here to contact us.