The word on content evangelism

Every company should have a content evangelist.

It is that person in your company, be it a small business or established corporation, who preaches the message of engagement through storytelling, is a disciple of social media’s power and believes in content marketing as the divine lead generator.

Your company’s ideal content evangelist is enthusiastic about the possibilities that good, informative content offer when made available to consumers through their mobile devices.

The evangelist is knowledgeable about what constitutes quality brand content for smartphones and tablets, who thinks beyond email marketing and push messages. That person can ensure consistent content quality with each post, and is eager to teach others to be better content creators.

It’s all about empowering someone – or a few people — to inspire consumers to care about, be interested in, and eventually want your product or service.

Someone has to do the job, of course.

Your own customers can be the best evangelists, a converted audience willing to share your brand message to the masses.

But you can find content evangelists among your own staff, people with brand knowledge who are willing, enthusiastic and committed to making it work for your company.

Think department managers who supervise employees who excel at core competencies and service values. Customer service representatives who work with top performers. Marketing, and sales pros whose job is to promote the product or service, and who want to take it to the next level.

Give them the opportunity to bring an effective and valuable message about your brand, product or service to the masses through their mobile devices. Showcase your brand evangelists. Then, watch your customers respond.