User experience counts in mobile content sites

Planning a content marketing strategy that includes mobile devices means taking the user experience into account.

It helps if the written or video content accessed through a smartphone or tablet is clear, concise, informative and easy to navigate.

placeit(13)But the worse a site looks or functions on a mobile device, the less likely people are to continue accessing the content on it.

Most users consider four seconds to be the threshold for a website to load. A recent survey by Trilibis, however, found that only 21 percent of websites were loading in less than four seconds on a smartphone.

According to Trilibis’ survey, 69 percent of responsive design websites, those that provide easy reading and navigation across a wide range of devices, fail to deliver acceptable load times on mobile devices. That means users trying to access these sluggish and underperforming websites were more than likely to move on to other companies’ pages that loaded faster.

That can cost a company customers, and brand exposure.

The user experience needs to be responsive, and fast. If performance is a problem, the site may need updating to improve the experience.

An abundance of marketing video segments may be part of the content plan for the site, but the downside is longer load times. Targeted consumer content for the mobile device may be better served by less bandwidth-intensive images.


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